A building with many windows and lights on the outside.

Made Co First Annual Clothing Sale

Made 201 Monticello Ave Suite 4117, Williamsburg, VA

No tickets needed for this one, just come and shop! THE DETAILS Donate clothing: Tuesday, January 24th - Thursday, January 26th, from 11am-2pm at our shop or contact Made and they will pick up from you! Shop: Friday, January 27th, 7-9pm + Saturday, January 28th, 10am-4pm. Location: 201 Monticello Ave. Suite 4117 Williamsburg VA, 23185

Made Co. Grand Opening

Starting at 10:45am with Made's ribbon cutting and going on till 6pm, we’ll be celebrating the best way we know how — WITH YOU. They will have food, coffee + tea, deals, giveaways, and so much else. Come shop and see their new home. https://www.facebook.com/events/574911624581190/?ref=newsfeed  

California Tortilla Grand Opening

201 Monticello Ave., Unit 4115 Williamsburg, VA 23185

California Tortilla is opening in Williamsburg Wednesday, March 12! First 20 guests in line will receive FREE burritos for a YEAR! $5 bowls and burritos all day.

Strictly Business

Williamsburg Airport

Midtown Row is a proud sponsor of Strictly Business by Tide Radio, WY Daily and CultureFix. Join us at the Williamsburg Airport April 19 from 5pm-7pm for food, drinks and fun!  

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